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How To Advertise On Quora And Grow Business Fast

Quora is among the most popular Q/A websites with over 800 M/month visits. If you use the internet daily you definitely know about quora.

Personally, I really like quora because it makes my life super simple. Quora safe a lot of money for me because previously I mostly run ads on google and which makes me costly but now Quora advertisements are the best around the globe because it is very cheap.

I will explain how! don’t worry but first, let me tell you how to Advertise on quora and come up with big results.

If you don’t want to read the article then watch this video.

Go to Google and write “Quora” and then click on quora and you will redirect their home which looks like this.

After that Click on the Pic and then on “Ads Manager”.


You will Redirect to your Quora Ad account, Now Click on ” New Campaign”.

Now, it’s time to shape our ad for the best outcomes.

1. Campaign Name:

You can Write whatever you want.

2. Objective:


It means you have a specific reason for the ad For example product selling, collecting emails, etc.

App Install:

As the name says your objective is that people will download your app so if you want that go for it.


Traffic means people that come to your website and benefit you either for google ads, product sales, and any other thing. your main objective in this campaign is just to bring people to the website.


Just for the awareness of the brand. No such target of sale or lead. just people know they are also one the marketplace.

Video views:

As the word says this campaign is to bring to your videos either youtube, TikTok, or any other platform.

Lead Generation:

This campaign works for those who have good profiles on quora because this campaign allows you to promote your posts written on quora and bring traffic to your quora profile. 

3. Set Your Budget and Schedule:

The daily maximum budget is $1000 but you can start with $5.

You can start your advertisement on a specific date or right now.

Click Continue and Proceed.

Carefully add things so your ad work perfectly.

I suggest going for both male and female if you don’t have a specific product because it is fair.

4. Name your ad set:

Whatever you want because it doesn’t matter.

5. Location Targeting:

It means where you want to run your want as you can see I wanted to run my ad in Pakistan so I choose Beautiful Country Pakistan. You can also run ads by cities, states, zip codes, Nielsen, DMA, and Regions.

If you want to run the united states go for it. It’s your own choice.

6. Primary Targeting:

Contextual targeting is best and I always choose this so I also recommend you to choose this and proceed. 

7. Mobile and Desktop:

If you want to run your ad on both mobile and desktop then go for it otherwise choose specific devices.

Tip: If you are an affiliate marketer and need sales and lead then go for only desktop devices because people usually don’t buy on mobile they just saw it. buying rate from the desktop is very huge so go for it.

8. Gender:

Go for both male and female if you don’t have specific products that fit one.

9. Set a Bid:

Most people confuse about this because they don’t know how to set bids for specific keywords. As you can see I enter keywords about web hosting and he is giving me a suggested bid of $0.2. 

Always go for suggested bids in quora because it will make your life easier and save you money. They integrate your keywords and then come up with a suggested bid because it will fit your campaign so you don’t have to worry about it.

10. Potential Weekly Impression:

On Top Right, you will know how much you can get impressions weekly.

Click continue and Proceed.


Now, Add a title description to your ad.

11. Ad name:

whatever you want.

12. Format:

Image Ad: Most people use image ad because it brings better results than other and I also recommend you use this.

Video ad:

Quora also offers video ads and if you think it works better for you then go for it.

Text Ad:

It is also a good option to try and get good results but for this, you must have a powerful title and description.

Promote an answer:

Promote an answer written on quora by you and bring people closer to you.

13. Business name:

Write your business name as I write “Zn World”.

14. Headline Sentence:

Headline sentence is very important so write very carefully and be honest don’t write such a thing that is not on a blog post or video.

15. Body Text:

Describe your ad and how it will benefit people. 

Call to Action: It means where people click and go to the main page where your main product is.

16. Image:

You can add images in image ads and make your ad more interesting for viewers. 

17. URL Formatting:

In URL formatting you must check whether your website is HTTP or HTTPS and then add your blog post link. Add the link clearly because all traffic redirect to this link.

Tip: Always use a link shortener because it will make you somehow more professional and you can also track data. 

18. Third-Party Tracking:

You can also add your own service link from where you want to track all the things.

After that Click continues and proceed.

Now add a Payment method and send your ad for running.

Quora has a vast amount of payment options so don’t worry and go for it. If you don’t have Paypal go for the credit card.

That’s how you can advertise on quora. I hope you like it.

Why Quora Ads are Better than Google Ads:

As we all know google has a big influence on the digital marketing world and they provide a very good service but I still prefer quora ads because they have a very low CPC (click per cost) then google ads and because of that I save a lot of money and invest on other things.

How did I figure out that?

Check this.

As you can see “Hostinger keywords” has a CPC of $0.63 but on quora exactly this keyword has a CPC of $0.02 in Pakistan. In Average, this keyword’s CPC is $0.09 and it’s still too low then google. so, That’s why I prefer quora ads one more thing quora also has very premium users so your ads run better.

I suggest you try quora ads and you will definitely enjoy them.


Overall, Quora ads are the best and they will benefit you.

I hope you like this small article.


