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Upwork vs WorkChest: Freelancing Comparison (2024)

In this Blogpost, I will tell you in detail about the comparison of upwork vs workchest because workchest is continuosly growing as a big freelance marketplace and people search daily on search engine so I decide to write a blogpost that will benefit you all, so let’s start

Workchest is Pakistani freelance marketplace for pakistani people but because Pakistan has a big market and lie on 4th position in the world of freelancig so it is making a good noise and boost Pakistani Freelancers around the world.

Upwork vs WorkChest Global Reach vs. Local Focus:

  • Upwork: As we all know how much upwork is popular around the world and every feelancer know about it and it has global reach and people from any country and industry access it and do their freelance project and upload freelance projects so freelancers do it and earn a good money but because upwork very high in demand so beginner can’t get enough projects and only big giants get’s all the projects.
  • WorkChest: This marketplace is built only for Pakistani freelancers but anyone can upload projects but only frelancers from pakistan can do it. Because of high volume of freelancers Hisham Sarwar did a great job and built a great freelance marektplace “workchest”for Pakistanis so they can earn good and live good.

Upwork vs WorkChest Finding Your Clients:

  • Upwork: In This platform you have to fight and get projects becuase everyone is working hard to get it, you just have to maek a good profile so clients can see and accept you for their work. For projects on Upwork you must know the art to write bid, don’ worry I will teach you how to write it below.

  • WorkChest: This platform works more like a matchmaker. They pre-screen both freelancers and projects, then connect suitable options based on your skills and past work. It’s like having someone recommend you for specific jobs that fit your expertise. This saves you time pitching directly to clients, but there might be fewer projects available compared to the vast selection on Upwork.

Upwork vs WorkChest Fees and Commission Structures:

Upwork charges freelancers fees based on their earnings, starting at 20% for new users and decreasing with higher lifetime billings. Clients also pay service fees. WorkChest operates on a tiered membership system, with different subscription plans offering varying commission rates and project access levels. Both platforms offer additional fees for optional features like escrow payments and talent assessments.

Upwork vs WorkChest Payment Security and Dispute Resolution:

Both Upwork and WorkChest offer secure payment systems to protect both parties. Upwork utilizes its escrow service, holding client funds until project completion and freelancer approval. WorkChest employs a similar system, holding payments until the client acknowledges satisfaction. Both platforms have dispute resolution processes in place to address disagreements, but Upwork’s larger user base might entail longer resolution times.

Upwork vs WorkChest Additional Features and User Experience:

Upwork provides a comprehensive suite of features beyond project finding, including time tracking, invoicing, communication tools, and talent assessments. WorkChest offers basic project management tools and communication channels but lacks the feature depth of Upwork. Upwork’s interface is sleek and user-friendly, while WorkChest is still evolving its design and functionality.

Upwork vs WorkChest Choosing the Right Platform:

The optimal platform depends on your individual needs and priorities. Here’s a breakdown to help you decide:

Upwork is ideal for:

  • Experienced freelancers seeking diverse, global projects.
  • Freelancers comfortable with proactive marketing and self-promotion.
  • Those willing to navigate a competitive environment.

WorkChest is suitable for:

  • Pakistani freelancers starting their careers or seeking local clients.
  • Freelancers who prefer a curated project matching system.

Upwork vs WorkChest: Deep Dive into Key Features and Considerations

In the first part of our comparison, we established the fundamental differences between Upwork and WorkChest. Now, let’s delve deeper into specific features and considerations to guide your platform selection:

Upwork vs WorkChest Profile Building and Visibility:

Upwork: Offers extensive profile customization options, allowing freelancers to showcase their skills, experience, portfolio, and client testimonials. Profiles appear in search results based on relevant keywords and skills, increasing discoverability. However, standing out amidst a vast talent pool requires strategic profile optimization and competitive proposals.

WorkChest: Provides a streamlined profile setup focusing on essential information and skills. Project matching depends on the platform’s algorithms and internal curators, potentially limiting discoverability compared to Upwork’s open search system. Building a strong reputation through successful project completions becomes crucial for attracting future clients.

Upwork vs WorkChest Project Selection and Communication:

Imagine a marketplace where skilled individuals (freelancers) can find work. These freelancers actively browse for projects that match their skills. They then send detailed proposals to the businesses or individuals (clients) who posted the project.

Think of these proposals like applications with information about the freelancer’s experience and how they would approach the project. Clients can then chat with the freelancers directly through Upwork’s messaging system, similar to popular messaging apps. Upwork even allows video calls and file sharing to make communication smoother. This way, clients can discuss the project details and ask any questions they might have before hiring a freelancer.

WorkChest: Freelancers receive project recommendations based on their profiles and past work. Communication channels are similar to Upwork, but the curated system fosters potentially smoother client interactions. However, limited project variety and dependence on platform matching might restrict freelancer choice.

Upwork vs WorkChest Payment Processing and Fees:

Upwork: Utilizes a secure escrow system, holding client funds until project completion and freelancer approval. Fees are deducted from freelancer earnings, starting at 20% and decreasing with higher billings. Additional fees apply for optional features like talent assessments and Connects (tokens used for proposals).

WorkChest: Employs a tiered membership system. Basic plans offer limited project access and higher commission rates, while premium plans provide wider access and lower fees. Secure payment processing is available, but specific details on escrow or dispute resolution might vary depending on the chosen plan.

Upwork vs WorkChest Community and Support:

Upwork: Boasts a large, global community of freelancers and clients, offering access to forums, discussions, and knowledge-sharing opportunities. However, individual support might be limited due to the sheer number of users.

WorkChest: Fosters a close-knit community specifically catering to Pakistani freelancers. This facilitates easier peer-to-peer support and potentially quicker assistance from the platform’s team due to a smaller user base.

Upwork vs WorkChest Additional Considerations:

  • Taxes and Legalities: Both platforms require freelancers to comply with relevant tax and legal regulations in their jurisdictions. Research and understand your individual obligations before starting work.
  • Reputation and Reviews: Building a positive reputation with strong client reviews is crucial for success on both platforms. Deliver high-quality work, exceed expectations, and actively solicit feedback to establish trust and attract future projects.
  • Platform Updates and Evolution: Both Upwork and WorkChest continuously evolve their features and offerings. Stay informed about changes and platform developments to adapt your strategies and maximize your success.

Remember: Choosing the “right” platform is a personal decision. Experiment with both Upwork and WorkChest, consider your specific needs and goals, and leverage the strengths of each platform to build a thriving freelance career.

Upwork vs WorkChest Beyond the Basics: Advanced Strategies for Each Platform

Now that we’ve covered the core features and considerations, let’s explore some advanced strategies to maximize your success on each platform:


  • Master the Proposal Game: Go beyond generic proposals. Tailor each one to the specific project requirements, highlighting relevant skills, experience, and a clear understanding of the client’s needs. Utilize keywords strategically to improve search ranking.
  • Build a Strong Portfolio: Showcase your best work with impactful and well-presented case studies. Highlight successful projects relevant to your target audience and demonstrate your problem-solving abilities.
  • Network and Connect: Participate in community forums, discussions, and events. Build relationships with other freelancers and industry professionals to expand your network and discover potential collaborations.
  • Utilize Upwork Connect: Invest in Connects strategically to submit proposals on high-value projects with limited competition. Track your Connect usage and optimize your proposal strategy for better return on investment.
  • Upwork Pro: Consider upgrading to Upwork Pro for additional features like talent badges, priority support, and access to exclusive projects. Evaluate if the benefits outweigh the additional cost based on your workload and earning potential.


  • Become a Member Pro: Upgrade your membership to unlock wider project access, lower commission rates, and additional project management tools. Analyze if the upgraded features align with your project frequency and earning goals.
  • Network Within the Community: Actively engage with other freelancers and clients on the platform. Participate in community discussions, offer help, and build connections that can lead to future collaborations or referrals.
  • Maintain a Stellar Profile: Keep your profile information updated and highlight your unique selling points. Actively solicit and showcase positive client reviews to build trust and attract attention within the smaller, more competitive pool of freelancers.
  • Specialize and Stand Out: Focus on developing niche expertise within your chosen field. Cater your profile and project selection to showcase your specialized skills and attract clients seeking specific solutions.
  • Build Relationships with Clients: Go beyond just delivering projects. Offer excellent communication, proactive updates, and exceed client expectations to build long-term relationships and secure repeat business.

Remember: Success on either platform requires dedication, continuous learning, and adaptation. Experiment with different strategies, track your results, and refine your approach over time.
