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How to Drive Traffic to Affiliate links in 2023 (Full Course)

There are many ways to earn money online, but the most efficient and early way is to do Affiliate marketing.

There are many affiliate programs in the world, and people earn a lot of money with them, but beginners don’t know how to get started.
Here is the list of best affiliate programs for beginners if you need them. Now I am going to tell you how you get traffic to affiliate links because if you don’t know how to drive traffic to affiliate links then how do you earn money, traffic makes money.
There are many ways to drive traffic to affiliate links but these are the best and easy ways to get traffic.

1: Social media.
2: Ads.
3: Through Website.
4: Youtube.

Social Media:

We all know what social media is and how much influence social media has in the world. People who have good social media engagements sell most of their products through social media because it is easy and quick. we saw multiple times that products that become brands don’t need advertisement even because they are always in the heart of people. The best strategy is to build social media accounts within 2,3 months fully and then start sharing your affiliate links.

Now Question arises, how do you drive traffic to affiliate links through social media?


Facebook is the most trending social media every time because over 2 billion use Facebook and there is no match of Facebook. Build an amazing Facebook profile that describes what you really talking about and your product is better than others with good statistics and people outcomes. A good profile always attracts people and they think you’re professional in this work.so, professionalism is very important in a business like Affiliate Marketing. You can sell products and drive traffic just by uploading your post and sharing affiliate links in the post description when anyone clicks on the link he will straight go to the website where the product actually has and if likes it, he buys and when he buys and get the good stuff, he always uses your profile to buy something he needs because you build trust on him and we all know trust is everything.

Facebook page and group:

I saw people a lot of people doing this and it is good to sell products. Make a Facebook page and group about products that you are selling and add people on them and run ads if you want more and early people in your group and page and most important target those people who are interested in affiliate products or affiliate marketing. when your page or group builds you don’t need daily ads or things like an advertisement, just post your product and earn. 


Facebook buys Instagram or you can say Mark Zuckerburg buys Instagram. Instagram is more powerful than Facebook nowadays because its features allow us to sell things quickly. The story option of Instagram is amazing because you can easily paste links with images or videos. recently Instagram launches reels and the best thing is reels become popular too quickly because Instagram pushes them to a lot of people. After all, it is a new feature and people take time to settle. Because of the same owner, you can easily share your Instagram story on Facebook and Whatsapp to save your precious time.


Linkedin is the same as Facebook but it allows you easily to share affiliate links, just you have to post a product or give a link in a description and people come to that link and buy. On Linkedin, you have to make your connections so it’s better to connect with people worldwide. whenever you search for someone search countrywide and add people who have the same interest as you because it will benefit you so much, everyone comes up with a different idea and different way to sell and you just have to play with a calm mind and earn.


We all know about Twitter, so how we can drive traffic to affiliate links from Twitter?

Twitter is the most trustful social media around the world and people believe what trends on Twitter. Twitter also makes easy Affiliate marketing. Make a post and tweet on Twitter and use good hashtags about the product and give descriptions just like professionals and your tweet automatically trend on Twitter and you get clicks and visit your product and buy if they like.


Pinterest is an amazing social media platform because we can drive a lot of traffic from it whether to the website, video or affiliate links, just you have to do is make a good picture of the product from canvas and make a pin on Pinterest and add an affiliate link in photo. when anyone clicks on that image he directly goes to the product and buys it if he like. 


Pingroupie is also a website where you find big groups related to your product, so log in to pingroupie and find a group where people are selling affiliate products and people who are interested in your product and join them and start sharing your pins to groups also and it will generate a good handsome of traffic.


We all know Whatsapp is just for chats or video calls but intelligent people are making money from it. Find groups and add on them where people are selling their products and start sharing your links, if they don’t allow you to share links then make your own group, add people who are interested in this, and start sharing links on them, the best way to ask people to join your group is to share your group link t different social media accounts like Facebook, Instagram, etc.


Telegram is the same as Whatsapp but they allow you to share links easily, so you have to do is find a group and ask them to add me.

But the question arises how do you know who is interested?

Go to Facebook and search about affiliate marketing and give them requests when they accept ask them for a number and add in the group or share your group link to different social media accounts.


Ads are the best way to drive traffic to affiliate links at the time but it will cost you money, that’s why people usually not used them.

let’s take Facebook, we all know Facebook allows us to run ads on Facebook by paying them. what you have to do is make an image on canva or video about the product and add links in the description and run ads by paying them but it is costly, Big Affiliate marketing experts run ads and sell their products but I give you a piece of advice don’t run ads if you are a beginner because you don’t have any experience and you waste our money, gain experience then run ads if you have money. 

Through Website:

Website is also a way to do affiliate marketing and drive traffic, if you have a good website and people visit your website daily then paste banner ads on your website and attach a link so when anyone clicks on that image he will go straight to the product, Big Affiliate marketing experts earn of money through website affiliate links.


Quora is a Q/A website in which you ask fr a question and anyone from the world give you an answer, so in quora, there are a lot of questions about affiliate products so give them answers and get that traffic to the website and you have an affiliate banner in the website you will get traffic and sale.


We all know about youtube and people running a business through youtube, but how do you drive traffic and sell products from youtube? talk about the product in your video and give affiliate links in the description so it looks easy for people to buy something when you also tell them in a video about that product.


The conclusion is that, there are many to drive traffic but these are the best ways I tell you to follow these ways and build your social media and get sales, but I think it is also necessary to own a website and run it because it will give you extra money through Adsense and gave an option to sell affiliate products through it.

More Articles:

1. How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing 


